
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

next tomb raider?A Survivor is Born

this news come this week that said maybe next phase of tomb rider is “a survivor is born” according to this tomb raider fan site

Of course this news and images is not official and we should wait until  December 6 for official news .Is it true or not it

seems that lara and tomb rider legend will be alive for many years.this is an image from new series of tomb rider.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

how load model in your xbox game

now for developing your xbox game(or even in xna windows games) you need load model in your game.For this purpose you should first design your model in blender or 3ds max or maya or tools like that and export it to .x file .This format commonly used on developing DirectX and xna games.Next in your xbox games add model to to your content .Every model and other thing in content have name you can changed it on properties sidebar.


for coding you should doing this steps

1.create model

 Model newModel = Content.Load<Model> (assetName);    foreach (ModelMesh mesh in newModel.Meshes)
        foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts)
            meshPart.Effect = effect.Clone(device) draw model in draw function with code

  Matrix worldMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(0.0005f, 0.0005f, 0.0005f) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.Pi) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(19, 12, -5));
     Matrix[] newModelTransforms = new Matrix[newModel .Bones.Count];
     foreach (ModelMesh mesh in newModel .Meshes)
         foreach (Effect currentEffect in mesh.Effects)
             currentEffect.CurrentTechnique = currentEffect.Techniques["Colored"];
             currentEffect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(newModelTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * worldMatrix);

you should add this code before base.Draw(gameTime);

you can use this code in one functions for using more in games or even in more games or add codes during games .

But it is better use this code on functions for better reading or using.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

new level on console war:controller

Nowadays most news about consoles is about controller

xbox come with kinect and playstation come with move.

In move you get a device in your hand and move your hand

but in xbox your body also can be use as controller.


kinect come with  great success in business and hacker attention .after a while kinect hacked and  open source driver comes to out!

Now question is that PlayStation can get Kinect speed in future?I think it is better that use my body as controller than device in my hand, of course if kinect work completely

you can post your videos about games and console and I’ll published them


image source

Monday, November 22, 2010

first step to xna and XBOX programming

before xna and visual studio setup you should know that your graphic card must be compatible with xna that means you should have graphic card with diret3d that support xna framework Hidef profile. Also for using xna 4 you need have  visual studio 2010 .



Now created can use just visual language for create project .Next you’ll see environment like above.In left sidebar you have files  of project and in middle part you’ll see code of game.if you run project  a blue window will be can changed it easily.Just  go Draw function and change this code  GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); to this one  GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Red); and you’ill see a red windows.For now it is enough Winking smile,in following posts you’ll see more

Saturday, November 20, 2010

assassin creed 3 brotherhood


new assassin creed series published on  16 novomber

2010  .this game created by ubisoft and Ezio should kill

Cesare with help from his friends (brothers).This game

occurring in ancient roma .assassins-creed-brotherhood-20101116001534486

you can play this game on ps3 and xbox360.In ign its rating

is 8 and in gamespot is 4.5/5 that is good.

also I  play this game on  mobile have nice graphic and can

play it on many mobile .You can find it on gameloft site .



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

call of duty black ops:challenge and success

call of duty is new  series of first  person  shooting   games with new success in graphics and online game has high rating in every site.this game have campaign and zombie and multiplayer level can challenge other players online or in games and get money or lose your money or players.but what about game story ?Black Ops takes place during the Cold War. The player mainly controls two characters: special forces operative Alex Mason and CIA agent Jason Hudson, both members of the Studies and Observations Group (SOG), a clandestine black operations unit tasked with carrying out critical missions behind enemy lines. The single-player campaign revolves around an experimental Soviet chemical weapon codenamed "Nova-6".


when I see this game story from here think that yes we have soldiers in games can play with other real soldier and also have new type of virus that can attack to factories ,so in near  future this soldiers and games  will be more real than today?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

do you want develop xbox game?

if you want it, first you shoud download or install visual studio express or other versions.notice that only express edition is free and for others you should paying.then download xna from here.Xna is useful tool for for developing xbox and windows phone games.
next create account from here for submit  application in store but you can run your application in your computer or device without create following posts I’ll discuss more about codes you need for develop good games

Monday, November 15, 2010

every thing about perfect world

Perfect World International is the newest iteration of the multiple award-winning MMORPG known throughout the world as Perfect World II. Initially launched in China as a subscription-based game, Perfect World’s conversion to a free-to-play model established a level of quality not found in other free-to-play titles. Perfect World International aims to be the ultimate version of this immensely popular role-playing game. For the first time, Perfect World is being localized specially for American audiences. In Perfect World, players can immerse themselves in a huge online world that must be explored to be believed. Deeply rooted in Chinese mythology, the game features unparalleled character customization, extensive costume selection, custom flying mounts, dynamic skill progression, and high-level replay value in the form of territory wars. (source)
in perfect world you have many classes and races like
Humans: Wizard & Blademaster. Untameds: Barbarian & Venomancer. Winged Elves: Cleric & Archer. Tideborns: Psychic & Assassin,Earthguard: Mystic & Seeker
I found two rating for this gameorg is 8.55 and in IGN is 7.5/10
you can see some wallpaper and trailer here
thanks for fika for introduce this game ,you can post your images videos and comments about this game to me also
Perfect World - Wallpaper 009
trailer for perfect world

Sunday, November 14, 2010

welcome to game planet

this is new blog about games,developing,info’s,wallpaper ,trailer and..
I’ll add some news about games, consoles and .. here,wait for it

this blog will be transferred from bio of create mobile game 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

start to develop android application

for developing android application you need download android sdk and eclipse and adt plugin .then create a sample project,when you run your applications it show your  result on simulator.


result is something like this



now you want change string .Android application main language is java but coding is different from normal java mobile  program;you have main class that open main.xml file  in   layout folder.This xml file have LinearLayout,and textview in textview nude you see this code:android:text="@string/hello" that define some values that contained in values folder .Its names is hello .change string and run it again.just this!Winking smilemore comes in next posts

resource:android developer guide

start to develop android applications

for developing android application you need download android sdk and eclipse and adt plugin .then create a sample project,when you run your applications it show your  result on simulator.
result is something like this

now you want change string .Android application main language is java but coding is different from normal java mobile  program;you have main class that open main.xml file  in   layout folder.This xml file have LinearLayout,and textview in textview nude you see this code:android:text="@string/hello" that define some values that contained in values folder .Its names is hello .change string and run it again.just this!Winking smilemore comes in next posts
resource:android developer guide

Monday, November 8, 2010

using keys in your games


when you want use keys  you should noticed that have many function

like keyPressed(int keyCode),keyReleased(int keyCode) ,keyRepeated(int keyCode) if you want use all of them should have something for control number of key pressing and releasing and repeating. with this code detect which key is pressed

int gameAction = getGameAction(keyCode);
case UP:
key= "[UP]";
case DOWN:
key= "[DOWN]";
case LEFT:
key= "[LEFT]";
case RIGHT:
key= "[RIGHT]";
case FIRE:
key= "[FIRE]";
case GAME_A:
message = "[LEFT_UP]";
case GAME_B:
message = "[RIGHT_UP]";
case GAME_C:
key= "[LEFT_DOWN]";
case GAME_D:
key= "[RIGHT_DOWN]";
key= "";

you can add all of code in same function.then define value like speed; we assume that in our game when you continue on  key press you have more speed so add this code after detect key “speed++”;But after checking speed in real device you see that you object move slower than  because that device can’t process graphic like computer and emulator.You have to use timer functions and class in your games or using smaller graphic file in next post you see how do that

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

developing java touch games



In game canvas you can detect keys and touch and using graphic function.Canvas have pre defined functions .For using touch in your game you have three function

protected  void pointerDragged(int x, int y) 
protected  void pointerPressed(int x, int y)
protected  void pointerReleased(int x, int y)

they are active when you dragged or pressed or released your finger(or pen) on your device.X and Y is place of your finger or pen.If you want same action for all of function you can define another function like this

public void doyouraction(int x,int y)

//add your code here

// you can change your function name(doyouraction)


in other hand you should have deferent code or functions

{} are keyword for define start and end of your codes.Public means that you can use your function in other class ,if you don’t want use private instead.After coding function use it with this codes

protected  void pointerDragged(int x, int y) 


doyouraction(int x,int y) ;

just this,in next post you’ll see infoo about detect keys and code for them


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